This space is currently unused, and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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The End Of The Axx


January 11, 2014

As described in my last post regarding the new changes to Unapologetic, I've migrated all the necessities for posting to The Axx over to a new home here. My most recent automation articles are live here (▼)(▲)If you're interested in viewing those, you can find them by going to the home page of Unapologetic and selecting "Automation" in the view controller at the top., and in the coming weeks I plan to move my older automation articles over as well. What this means is that The Axx has finally become obsolete.

I won't go into detail here on my choice to leave The Axx behind, as I have already written about that decision in my first post on Unapologetic. At the time of that post I still planned on keeping The Axx around as a purely automation based blog, but that turned out to be a bad idea. So today I am officially announcing the end of The Axx.

Despite my pleasure at how Unapologetic has turned out, it's still sad for me to leave The Axx behind. I started The Axx on February 18, 2013, as a place to publicize my thoughts on technology and, especially, post my workflows for automating my iOS devices. This goal became the vision that I followed all throughout last year, and The Axx was the site within which it was realized.

I'm excited to continue my journey writing in this new home at Unapologetic, but I won't forget that The Axx is what brought me here. If not for The Axx, Unapologetic would never have existed, so to honor it, I plan to keep The Axx around as an archive of where I began. I reset all of the changes which I made when I was expecting to continue using it as an automation only blog, so now it rests in the original form I created it in, holding The Action Page and all of the content of the 78 blog posts I wrote there.

With The Axx peacefully at rest, and Unapologetic in its final form, now it's time to get back to what I love doing most: writing content. And I have quite a bit planned for the coming weeks and months.