The Parse Reminders In Fantastical Action
October 30, 2013
The Parse Reminders In Fantastical Action takes a draft (or Launch Center Pro prompt) and sends it to Fantastical to be parsed, but prepends whatever is sent with “Todo” so that Fantastical will parse it as a reminder. You can parse a single reminder or multiple reminders in a list using the same action.
If you want to parse a list of reminders, leave one completely blank line between each event in your draft. Type each event in natural language as you would if you were typing it directly into Fantastical.
Direct Import Link for Parse In Fantastical Action
Launch Center Pro
In Launch Center Pro, each line is set up as a new event, so do not leave a blank line between events. The LCP prompt is set up as [prompt-list]. This prompt replaces newlines with commas, which is why we require a Pythonista script to change the comma separated events sent from Launch Center into their own individual lines, then sends those to Drafts and run the Parse In Fantastical action to parse them one by one. If you don’t have Pythonista, or don’t want to have to run a script each time you add a single event, Launch Center Pro has a Fantastical action to import a single event which you can find in the Action Composer. If you want to be able to parse multiple events, use this one.
Launch Center Pro Action:
Direct Import Link for Parse Reminders Action
Pythonista Script:
Make sure to name your script “Parse Reminders” or change your LCP action to match if you choose to name it something else.
import webbrowser
import urllib
import sys
reminders = sys.argv[1]
i = 0
while i < len(reminders):
if reminders[i] == ',':
reminders = reminders[0:i] + '\n\n' + reminders[i+1:len(reminders)]
i += 1
reminders = reminders.encode('utf-8')
reminders = urllib.quote(reminders, safe='')
base = 'drafts://x-callback-url/create?text=' + reminders + '&action=Parse%20Reminders%20In%20Fantastical'